by Carrie Thomas | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers
Winston Churchill once said “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often”. There are several qualities of “must have” trends in today’s job search that are very important, not only for the managers but also for the employee or job seeker. The manager as... by Carrie Thomas | Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
As a Hiring Manager, it’s hard to lead a company, manage a team, and gain accomplishments while still being respected. Respect is earned, and often the people most respected are those that didn’t have to earn it. They just do the job in such a way that makes others... by Jessica | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers, Resume Tips
Oh how the resume game has changed! After you’ve been out of the job market for awhile you may realize just how outdated your resume is, and just how much you need to do to make yourself marketable again. When writing your resume, it is necessary to be creative: Show...