by Jessica | Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
There have been several articles and books written relative to habits of highly effective hiring managers. They keep their employees informed as to the good, bad and ugly news with full transparency in order to have a fully competent team. Please read our article... by Carrie Thomas | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers
Are you worried about looking for a job in today’s market when you are considered an older job applicant? There are pros as well as cons when considering finding employment if you’ve been out of the job market for a while. Please read our article Is Hiring... by Carrie Thomas | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers, Resume Tips, Social Media
As a Hiring Manager, you must see dozens of innovative “new replacements” for the resume, however, they are not quite ready to replace the standard paper resume. The standard paper resume continues to remain the constant for the job seekers marketing process. There... by Carrie Thomas | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers, Social Media
When you are looking for a job, do you use the social media that is available to you, such as LinkedIn? If you do, is your LinkedIn profile up to date? Check out this infogram and read our article How to get the most from LinkedIn groups and follow our LinkedIn tips... by Carrie Thomas | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers, Resume Tips
Are you prepared for the “quest” of looking for a job in today’s job market? Do you have a perfect resume and cover letter? Are you aware that rarely does “one size fit all”? This analogy fits not only clothing (or people) but fits a resume and cover letter as...