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Within the craresources blog you will see industry updates, Job Seeker and Hiring Manager advice. We want you to join us and help create the community you want to be a part of!Welcome to our blog!
Within this craresources blog you will see industry updates, Job Seeker and Hiring Manager advice. We want you to join us and help create the community you want to be a part of!We believe the most important role in this industry is that of a Clinical Research Associate. We ‘pound the pavement’ daily to find the best CRAs…and engage them.
The craresources blog offers advice to CRA job seekers and those who hire them. So buckle up, use the search feature, and if you have questions, give us a shout. We look forward to our collaboration!
Avoid These Common Interview Mistakes
Common Interview Mistakes: We see candidates at all levels of seniority make the below common interview mistakes. And I actually see candidates make more mistakes during phone interviews than any other type. I wonder if candidates see phone interviews or interviews...
Roundtable: Jobseekers: Beware of Bad Advice
Bad Advice: I see a lot of bad advice being doled out to job seekers on LinkedIn. Individuals claim to be coaches when they have little substantial ‘real life’ or professional experience. Mentors advise candidates to fudge their resumes or purchase fake degrees. And...
How To Ask Why You Didn’t Get The Job
Get The Job: You didn’t get the job. Someone else was chosen for the position you felt you were perfect for. Why? Before you take it personally, realize this: even if you were a qualified candidate, there are many reasons why an employer might choose to hire someone...
Podcast: Are You Sacrificing Self Love For Success?
Self Love: And is it possible to separate self-love and success? Do you believe that if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of others? My mentor has given me this advice more than once. And research agrees that caring for yourself is...
The Importance of Strong Professional References
Professional References: One of my top recruiters just dealt with a situation where someone refused to provide professional references. And not in a nice way. She was a 20-year vet who felt her time in the industry should speak for itself. But let me ask you...
Podcast: CRAs, Do You Know How To Manage Up?
Manage Up: Effective CRAs know how to manage up. Managing up means that you actively work to understand your supervisor’s priorities and communication style. It also means that based on your manager’s communication style, you effectively (and proactively) keep your...
Roundtable: Common Job Application Rejection Reasons
Job Application Rejection: Today’s podcast topic is common job application rejection reasons. Why? If you have spent any time on LinkedIn, you have seen hundreds of testimonies that speak to how brutal the current job market is. Last week I saw a senior-level...
Handling Unusual Interview Questions
Unusual Interview Questions: Have you ever been asked oddball or unusual interview questions? Part of our offering is to prep our candidates for their phone, video, and face-to-face interviews. We go through the entire gambit of helping the candidate research the...
The Current Clinical Research Associate Salary
Clinical Research Associate Salary: What is the Current Clinical Research Associate Salary? Today’s market is extremely volatile…at least in our industry. The current clinical research associate salary is considerably different than what we saw this time last year....
How to Use Your Network When Job Hunting
Network When Job Hunting: Surprisingly, many don't use their network when job hunting. However, it is one of the best tools at your disposal. Networks are important to nurture because they add a human touch to the application process. From my experience, I see that...
Behavioral Interview Questions – A Worksheet
Behavioral Interview Questions: Preparing to answer behavioral interview questions doesn’t have to be difficult. This article includes a bonus downloadable Behavioral Interview Questions Worksheet with Sample Questions! We also provide some ‘before” and “during”...
Are You As Tough As The Tough Job Market?
Tough Job Market: Wouldn’t you agree that the “professional you” wants to be able to control your career path, accomplish professional objectives, and contribute to an outstanding company and team? So how does a tough job market fit into this concept? A great...
Podcast: CRAs: Tips to Foster Successful Relationships
Successful Relationships: Several years ago I worked with someone who absolutely drove me crazy. She was extremely smart and quite effective at her job, but getting along with her was a challenge. I spoke with my mentor about it and he said something that completely...
Email Etiquette Examples for Job Seekers
Email Etiquette Examples: Our digital world makes it easier to find relevant jobs. Our social media platforms, communication forums, and professional networking communities facilitate easy email correspondence with potential employers throughout the job application...
CRA Interview Questions – A Worksheet
Many CRA interview questions are the same regardless of the experience level of the CRA. And of course, CRAs at all experience levels find themselves in an extremely competitive job market. While the hard skills associated with the Clinical Research Associate position...
Roundtable: How to Resign Gracefully
How to Resign Gracefully: Is there a way to gracefully leave a position? Join us as we have a heartfelt (and emotional) discussion on how to resign gracefully. Yep - I said emotional. I share a personal situation that may bring different insights into the topic of...
CRA Hiring Practices – 2024 In Review
CRA Hiring: Let's get real about 2024. The clinical research industry wasn't just dealing with a CRA Hiring fraudulence problem - we were facing an epidemic of fake CRA applications that threatened the entire ecosystem of clinical trials. In 2024, my team didn't just...
Podcast: Mentoring Advice, Ghost Jobs, and Jobsearch Challenges
Mentoring Advice: We tackle several important topics in part 2 of our podcast with Damien Hall. For example, how do you handle mentoring advice that recommends you embellish your credentials? What would you tell someone who is enticed or romanced into side-stepping...
Podcast: Age-Proof Your Candidacy
Age-Proof: The American Society on Aging states that 82% of adults 50 and over experience ageism daily. And the American Psychological Association has gone on record to state “Ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices.” Because this bias is so...
Podcast: Benefits of Staying Positive During the Job Search
Staying Positive: There is no doubt about it…conducting a job search can be stressful. Creating an eye-catching resume and personal brand → stressful. Applying for jobs → stressful. Being ghosted → stressful. Receiving rejections → stressful. Winning interviews →...