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Within the craresources blog you will see industry updates, Job Seeker and Hiring Manager advice. We want you to join us and help create the community you want to be a part of!

Welcome to our blog!

Within this craresources blog you will see industry updates, Job Seeker and Hiring Manager advice. We want you to join us and help create the community you want to be a part of!

We believe the most important role in this industry is that of a Clinical Research Associate. We ‘pound the pavement’ daily to find the best CRAs…and engage them.

The craresources blog offers advice to CRA job seekers and those who hire them. So buckle up, use the search feature, and if you have questions, give us a shout. We look forward to our collaboration!

CRA Interview Questions – A Worksheet

CRA Interview Questions – A Worksheet

Many CRA interview questions are the same regardless of the experience level of the CRA. And of course, CRAs at all experience levels find themselves in an extremely competitive job market. While the hard skills associated with the Clinical Research Associate position...

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CRA Hiring Practices – 2024 In Review

CRA Hiring Practices – 2024 In Review

CRA Hiring:  Let's get real about 2024. The clinical research industry wasn't just dealing with a CRA Hiring fraudulence problem - we were facing an epidemic of fake CRA applications that threatened the entire ecosystem of clinical trials. In 2024, my team didn't just...

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Podcast: Age-Proof Your Candidacy

Podcast: Age-Proof Your Candidacy

Age-Proof: The American Society on Aging states that 82% of adults 50 and over experience ageism daily. And the American Psychological Association has gone on record to state “Ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices.” Because this bias is so...

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