by Angela | Job Seekers, Resume Tips
When is Leaving a Job Without Notice Okay? You may be relieved to know that you are not the only one leaving a job right now. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, millions of people leave their jobs every month. And of course, people leave their jobs for... by Angela | Job Seekers, Resume Tips
Is Writing a Cover Letter Necessary? When you have spent hours working on your resume, it is fair that you may be confident that it will land you the job you always wanted. Or, at the very least, open the door to an interview. You are done, right? Is writing a cover... by craadmin | Podcasts, Resume Tips
Many job seekers take the flawed approach of focusing on the formatting of their resume instead of their resume content. While we certainly don’t want to go on record stating that resume formatting isn’t important, the content is the point. What content... by Angela | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers, Resume Tips
What Are Job Search Myths? If you are one of the many who are currently looking for a new position, I am sure you are getting tons of unsolicited job search advice on what you should be doing to land your dream job. Here is a question though…are you sure you know the... by craadmin | Podcasts, Resume Tips
Let’s just start out by stating that a gap in resume is normal. Everyone has them. But when it comes to providing an employment gap explanation…Well, everyone doesn’t have those. Gracefully providing employment gap reasons is an incredibly useful... by Angela | Hiring Managers, Recruiting Tips, Resume Tips
As a hiring manager, do you worry about a candidate’s gaps in employment? From my perspective, I would say ‘it depends’. When Gaps in Employment Are Not a Concern An incredibly long and uninterrupted work history doesn’t necessarily mean that the candidate is a...