by Angela | CRA_Vetting, Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
Many organizations struggle to control their CRA attrition rate, having a difficult time encouraging their CRA team members to stick around. In a candidate-driven market, many companies attribute high turnover to the industry, while other organizations blame the... by Online Optimism | CRA_Vetting, Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
If your organization has a high CRA attrition rate, it’s time to take a long, hard look at why you’re losing clinical research associates. If poor-performing CRAs are quitting, it’s likely a symptom of an inefficient hiring process; after all, shouldn’t your hiring... by Carrie Thomas | Job Seekers, Post-Hire
Are you happy at work? Do some days seem gray when you would like to be anywhere other than on the job? I’m sure that there are days that you feel completely miserable and seem to be waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop. Sometimes the negativity you feel can be... by Carrie Thomas | Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
One of the most frustrating things for a manager or a small business owner is to see a smart, talented employee underperforming. As a hiring manager, it is your job to motivate these employees to work harder, be smarter, and to work with greater purpose. Please read... by Carrie Thomas | Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
As a Hiring Manager, it’s hard to lead a company, manage a team, and gain accomplishments while still being respected. Respect is earned, and often the people most respected are those that didn’t have to earn it. They just do the job in such a way that makes others... by Jessica | Hiring Managers, Post-Hire
There have been several articles and books written relative to habits of highly effective hiring managers. They keep their employees informed as to the good, bad and ugly news with full transparency in order to have a fully competent team. Please read our article...