by Carrie Thomas | Hiring Managers, Pre-Hire, Recruiting Tips
You would not think that finding the right person to fill that position would be all that hard…but for most businesses it is a difficult task. Most hiring managers say that they lack confidence in the job seekers they see as it relates to them having the skills... by Carrie Thomas | Interview Tips, Job Seekers
When you go for your interview, do you have questions prepared for the interviewer? Said differently, do you understand you should be asking questions instead of just answering them? The questions you ask the interviewer shows her how much thought you have given the... by Carrie Thomas | Job Seekers, Resume Tips
Have you put any thought into the “Not So Obvious” Resume Mistakes that are really easy to make but are real killers to your resume? Among them are using abbreviations. In our industry, do you really want to assume that everyone knows what that abbreviation...