by Angela | Interview Tips, Job Seekers
Video Interview: Two Things To Consider In Video Interview Preparation With companies being more cost-conscious, and our culture’s growing reliance on and utilization of technology, it is no surprise that more and more companies are embracing the video interview... by craadmin | Interview Tips, Podcasts
Interview Audience: I had someone ask me once: Do you wear the same clothes to a phone interview as you do to a face-to-face interview? Wow…I sure hope not. But since you would certainly consider the interview venue when planning what to wear, shouldn’t you also... by craadmin | Fraudulence, Interview Tips, Podcasts
Fake Video Interviews: She wore a wig in her video interview. Not that wearing a wig is a bad thing in itself…my Mom wore a wig after her chemo. But the reason for the wig became apparent later. It all had to do with her faking her interview. You have heard us... by craadmin | Interview Tips
Phone Interview Tips: So you have scheduled a phone interview – congratulations! Now what do you do? Well, the first thing you need to do is understand that the initial phone interview has little to do with describing your skills, education, and work history. So... by craadmin | Branding, Job Search Tips, Podcasts
Brand Storytelling: What the Heck is Brand Storytelling? You have heard me say it before: I want to hear your career story. Your unique story. I want to see what your passion is as well as the qualities you bring to my table. In a nutshell, you need to be versed in...