by Angela | Hiring Managers, Recruiting Tips
Recruitment Strategy: Most of our clients limit their recruitment strategy to a) posting the position and b) contacting us. When are these two steps enough? And when will they fall short when it comes to attracting top talent? While a simple definition of a... by craadmin | Compensation Tips, CRA_Vetting, Hiring Managers, Job Search Tips, Job Seekers
Contract CRA: Before we can dig into the current contract CRA salary or hourly rate, we should first understand the difference between a candidate-driven and employer-driven market. Once the industry kicked back into gear after COVID, we experienced a strange... by Angela | CRA_Vetting, Fraudulence, Hiring Managers, Pre-Hire, Recruiting Tips
Diploma Mills: Diploma mills have been in operation for decades. Just last December, a story reported that non-accredited Florida nursing schools sold 7,600 fake diplomas. Defendants linked to the Palm Beach School of Nursing participated in a scheme to sell phony... by craadmin | Fraudulence, Hiring Managers, Job Seekers, Podcasts
Unintentional Discrimination: In today’s podcast, we team up with a tenured CRA professional and trusted colleague, Mashaan Guy, to discuss an undesired side effect of the candidate fraudulence we are experiencing in this industry. I am going to call this side effect... by craadmin | Hiring Managers, Podcasts, Recruiting Tips
Job Descriptions: I feel most of our clients undervalue the importance of job descriptions. Most hiring managers view them as an advertisement…and since it takes a lot of effort to craft one, why invest the time? Especially since there are no state or federal... by craadmin | Hiring Managers, References
Backdoor Reference Checks: What is a Backdoor Reference Check? Backdoor reference checks are also known as backchannel, informal, quiet, or deep reference checks. In contrast to a traditional reference check, backdoor checks are conducted without the candidate’s...