In today’s job market, social media has become the “be-all” of job searching and searching for new candidates for your company. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among other sites, have become predominant, due to the online availability and ease of these websites.
LinkedIn is likely the most popular as this website is a professional, career platform, being a principally career development site. From the job seeker perspective, LinkedIn connects with both recruiters and headhunters and it will boost their chances of finding job opportunities. Make sure your profile is complete and take advantage of the “about me” section. It gives you the chance to showcase your achievements as well as the type of person you are. LinkedIn is very powerful and, as a social media outlet, can be an incredible opportunity for connecting with recruiters who work in your targeted area and career path.
Please read our article How to Get The Most From LinkedIn Groups and follow our job search tips for advice. Be sure to opt into our email marketing campaign for further guidance on how to become more competitive in today’s job market.
Written by: Betty Crisp
Investing in a Lifetime of Success,
Angela Roberts
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