by Carrie Thomas | Job Seekers, Post-Hire
Are you happy at work? Do some days seem gray when you would like to be anywhere other than on the job? I’m sure that there are days that you feel completely miserable and seem to be waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop. Sometimes the negativity you feel can be... by Carrie Thomas | Interview Tips, Job Seekers
Are you ready for that phone call that you have been hoping for? Have you made proper arrangements? If you should be lucky enough to receive this call, which is the next step in the application process, then you need to be ready to answer the questions that will be... by Carrie Thomas | Job Search Tips, Job Seekers, Resume Tips
As a job seeker, how many steps do you actually take before you consider your job search efforts complete? Where do you begin? There are a few steps that are extremely important when beginning to actually look for that position. Fine tune that Resume. Clean up your... by Angela | Interview Tips, Job Seekers
Everyone gets a little nervous in an interview – it’s just natural. How do you find the perfect balance between confidence and overcompensating to the point of appearing arrogant? Please read our article Overcoming the Fear of Interviewing and follow our... by Carrie Thomas | Clinical Research, Job Search Tips, Job Seekers
Have you ever thought of what goes into clinical research? Without clinical research, we would live in a completely different world. Just think, in 1900, the average life expectancy was approximately 47 years of age! Today, the average life expectancy is 79 years old,...