Job Application Rejection:

Job Application Rejection

Today’s podcast topic is common job application rejection reasons. Why? If you have spent any time on LinkedIn, you have seen hundreds of testimonies that speak to how brutal the current job market is. Last week I saw a senior-level candidate who stated he had been searching for a new job for 18 months. He testified that he had submitted over 1700 job applications and while he had been invited to interview a few times, he had received no offers. 

He was soliciting advice from his network on what to tell hiring managers when they asked why he had been out of work for 18 months. 

I appreciate the question. But don’t you think he needs to be asking a different question? 

Rita Mae Brown said Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’  After 1700 applications that resulted in only a handful of interviews and zero job offers, shouldn’t this gentleman be asking what he should be doing differently? 

Shouldn’t he be assessing his approach to the job search? Perhaps he should research common job application rejection reasons…don’t you think? 

Join us as we discuss candidate behaviors that cause us to rule candidates out of our pool. We also give some advice on how to reassess your situation. After all, if your current results aren’t what you are looking for, a shift may be in order.


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