Unusual Interview Questions:

Unusual Interview Questions

Have you ever been asked oddball or unusual interview questions? Part of our offering is to prep our candidates for their phone, video, and face-to-face interviews.  We go through the entire gambit of helping the candidate research the company, coaching them to handle behavioral/situational questions and ready them to “defend” their skills and qualities to their interviewer. 

This seems like a typical, tame, and expected interview prep method…right?

But some companies throw a wrench into the works and ask crazy, oddball, or unusual interview questions. Why? And how do you prepare for the unpredictable?

Do Oddball or Unusual Interview Questions Serve a Purpose? 

They do. We briefly discussed the topic of ‘Oddball Interview Questions’ in a podcast last year, but let’s dig deeper.

The real reason why hiring managers ask unusual interview questions is to see how you respond to something unexpected. Hiring managers are aware that most candidates prepare and rehearse for upcoming interviews. When an interviewer asks something odd and unpredictable, she is hoping to gain a clear view of the real you. 

The interviewer is looking for three primary things from you.  

How you think on your feet

When you are prepared for a standard question such as ‘Please describe your oncology experience’, you will be caught off guard when the interviewer asks ‘If you were a cat, what breed would you be and why?’. 

Now, if I were your interviewer, I would want to see if you were able to gracefully shift the topic. Did you think the question was funny? Hint, if you did, it is okay to smile. The Journal of Business and Psychology conducted a study that suggested candidates with a strong sense of humor tend to react more positively to oddball interview questions. 

But more importantly, were you able to relax and take the question ‘in stride’?  

Your response will also provide some insight into your personality. I would answer that I would be a lion because lions symbolize strength, courage, and leadership. 

See what you just learned about me? 

Your critical and analytical thinking skills

Unusual interview questions make you think. Companies that ask these types of oddball questions aren’t looking for the actual answer. They want to know your thought process. 

They want to know how you would go about finding the answer or solving the problem. 

For example, if I asked you the directions to New York City, how would you come up with an answer? 

Your ability to effectively communicate

How you communicate under pressure is telling. Remember that effective verbal communication includes sending as well as receiving. And effective non-verbal communication relates to maintaining positive and confident body language.

Did you clearly understand (or receive) the question? If not, did you ask clarification questions so you can properly define the problem that needs to be solved? 

And when providing your answer (sending), were you specific? Did you speak clearly? Where possible, did you provide specific examples or explanations to prove your point? 

And in terms of body language, were you able to maintain eye contact, and keep a calm demeanor? Or did you appear nervous? 

How Do You Handle Oddball Interview Questions? 

The reality is that you can’t prepare for them…that is the point. But there are a few things you can do. 

Make sure you are prepared for traditional interview questions 

While you can never be fully prepared for every question a hiring manager may ask, you can certainly be prepared for the most common ones. But be careful. The point isn’t to memorize answers to common interview questions. Your best approach is to have real stories to share and this can be accomplished by preparing for a behavioral interview

Remain calm

Don’t allow oddball or unusual interview questions to fluster you. If a question baffles you, pause and assess because you certainly don’t want to look disorganized. 

Or worse – you don’t want to look like you make stuff up. Take a deep breath. Maintain eye contact. Ensure your body language shows confidence. And then show your personality. 

And if the question requires you to solve a problem, remember that the interviewer isn’t looking for the solution…she wants to know your problem-solving process. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

There are going to be some topics that you do not know about. For example, if the interviewer asks you to describe a pop-culture character you have never heard of, don’t be afraid to ask some follow-up questions so you can gain a bit of clarity. 

It is also acceptable to ask for a few moments to gather your thoughts. I recommend you write the question down so you can refer to it as needed. Remember that the point of these questions is to provide the interviewer with insight into how you will handle an unusual circumstance at work. So tackle the question like you would a real problem at work

In Conclusion

Remember that unusual interview questions can allow you to stand out. But they are named oddball or unusual for a reason. Take your time when responding. Remember to showcase how you solve problems. Focus on clear communication. And always allow your personality to shine.

And if you need help preparing for interviews, reach out.