by craadmin | Fraudulence, Interview Tips, Podcasts
Fake Video Interviews: She wore a wig in her video interview. Not that wearing a wig is a bad thing in itself…my Mom wore a wig after her chemo. But the reason for the wig became apparent later. It all had to do with her faking her interview. You have heard us... by craadmin | Interview Tips
Phone Interview Tips: So you have scheduled a phone interview – congratulations! Now what do you do? Well, the first thing you need to do is understand that the initial phone interview has little to do with describing your skills, education, and work history. So... by craadmin | Interview Tips, Podcasts
Being Authentic: Most people approach the job interview as if it were a dog and pony show. After all, isn’t it tempting to ‘perform’ as the person you think the hiring manager is looking for? We have seen it cited that up to 90% of job candidates engage in faking... by craadmin | Interview Tips, Podcasts
Why is it Okay to Hate Interviews? Did you know that hiring managers hate interviews as much as job seekers do? Interviews can be mundane. In most cases, I ask the same old questions, and the candidate answers with the same old answers. And for those candidates who... by Angela | Interview Tips, Job Seekers
Is the Face to Face Interview Still a Thing? I was beginning to think that the face to face interview was no longer a thing…then a friend asked if I would help her prep for one. I was floored. Video interviews have largely taken the place of the old-fashioned... by Angela | Hiring Managers, Interview Tips, Recruiting Tips
Interview Template: Why use an Interview Template? Although often overlooked, using tools like an interview template is a critically important part of an effective CRA hiring process. It is also important to train your hiring managers on how to interview. Having...